Money is truly the precious commodity which makes the world go round. The issue of finances separates the divide between a life filled with luxury as opposed to a life filled with anxiety over the costs associated with life. How does one obtain money? There are two ways of earning money from my knowledge; these include receiving SSDI or receiving a job with monetary benefits of course. The second option I named has become the center of my world and the fulfillment which will satisfy my desires. The driving force fueling the fire in my desire for employment is simply attributed to my lack of success at finding a job. An arrogant individual might comment, Well your not looking hard enough!. This I assure is not the case. I have reflected on the reasons for my unsuccessful endeavors toward employment and again I have two separate answers to the mystery. The first being the lack of jobs due to budget cuts and the disenfranchised state of the economy in 2012. The next answer I concocted to my own question is simply because individuals (superintendents/ bosses) unconsciously desire perfection and with this desire for perfection comes the necessity to adhere toward the desired physical appearance favored by society. Certain individuals such as my sister have told me various psychological studies have concluded better looking prospective job seekers always receive the job regardless of age, sex or academic studies. This makes perfect sense in a way as no one desires to see "ugly people" on billboards or over the makeup counter at Macys. On the other hand, I am despised at myself for attributing my misfortune on my outward physical condition. If, I am honest with myself I must admit if I look hard enough eventually, eventually my efforts will be payed off by a pay check in my hand and the bliss associated with a personal victory. After reading my personal debate over the issue of employment for persons with disabilities; I would like to ask the opinion of anyone who is reading this blog as to what is their opinion regarding this matter. There is two sides to every argument and I feel like I'm isolated in the middle perplexed to choose my place on either side. Which side you stand on?
* There will be more text added to this blog in the next hours to come. I just wanted to post a thought provoking blog for my FB friends!
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